Find an Expert

Vicky Albert
Professor, Social Work
An expert in welfare policies and programs.

Nicholas Barr
Assistant Professor of Social Work
An expert in mental and behavioral health, youth and veteran homelessness, and social work.

Stephen Bates
Professor, Journalism and Media Studies
An expert in free speech, the media, and First Amendment issues.
Alain Bengochea
Associate Professor of English Language Learning
An expert in language, literacy, and bilingual education.

Stephen D. Benning
Associate Professor, Psychology
An expert in clinical psychology, psychopathy, emotions and personality traits.
Bo Bernhard
Vice President of Economic Development
An expert on gaming and society, Bernhard has been featured on CNN, The Discovery Channel, the BBC, and The History Channel.

Emma Frances Bloomfield
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
An expert on science communication, religion and politics.

Gregory A. Borchard
Professor, Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies
An expert in journalism history, reporting, and communication research methods.

Michael Ian Borer
Associate Professor, Sociology
An expert in urban culture and interactions, popular culture, religion and spirituality, craft beer, and the Boston Red Sox.

Barbara G. Brents
Professor, Sociology
An expert in gender, sexuality, sexual politics, prostitution, sex work and sex trafficking.
Gabriela Buccini
Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Health
An expert on lactation, breastfeeding, and maternal and child health and nutrition.

Candace Burton
Director of Doctoral Education, School of Nursing
An expert in LGBTQIA+ health, adolescent development, and forensic nursing.